2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
展示产品名称: 中科细胞理疗仪 百步康筋骨贴 百步康艾草筋骨液 百步康筋骨膏 百步康通络祛湿保健粉 Display product name: 1、 Zhongke cell physiotherapy instrument 2、 Baibukang Jingu paste 3、 Bai Bu Kang ai Cao Jin Gu Ye 4、 Baibukang Jingu ointment 5、 Baibukang Tongluo Qushi health care powder
展示产品名称: 中科细胞理疗仪 百步康筋骨贴 百步康艾草筋骨液 百步康筋骨膏 百步康通络祛湿保健粉 Display product name: 1、 Zhongke cell physiotherapy instrument 2、 Baibukang Jingu paste 3、 Bai Bu Kang ai Cao Jin Gu Ye 4、 Baibukang Jingu ointment 5、 Baibukang Tongluo Qushi health care powder
展示产品名称: 中科细胞理疗仪 百步康筋骨贴 百步康艾草筋骨液 百步康筋骨膏 百步康通络祛湿保健粉 Display product name: 1、 Zhongke cell physiotherapy instrument 2、 Baibukang Jingu paste 3、 Bai Bu Kang ai Cao Jin Gu Ye 4、 Baibukang Jingu ointment 5、 Baibukang Tongluo Qushi health care powder
定位:智能医疗产业解决方案提供商 距今已有470多年历史的”百步康”可谓历经沧桑岁月,其后世传人采用祖传 秘方和独有的”立体穴位疗法”,为无数病人祛除病痛,是专治颈、肩、腰、腿病 的百年老字号膏药。近年来,全体科研人员在”百步康”传统秘方配制的基础上, 利用传统工艺与现代科技相结合,成功研制了新一代高科技产品”百步康”系列产 品。该产品克服了古方膏药中含铅毒、易污染的缺点,让患处快速发热,打开体表 之毛孔,使药物直接快速渗透直达病灶。”百步康”人以”中药化、专业化、品牌 化”为战略方向,严格秉承”扪心弃疾,积善余庆”之祖训,认真恪守”明理才会 追求卓越,精工才有优良品质,修行才能博得厚爱”之理念,在严格遵循祖传秘制 的基础上,按照现代化大生产的要求,精心选料、炮制,实现了传统秘方和现代工 艺的完美融合,发展成集生产、研发、分销为一体,拥有独立的通过GMP认证的生 产基地。
Company profile: Location:Solution provider of intelligent medical industry With a history of more than 470 years, “baibukang” has gone through many vicissitudes. Its descendants have adopted ancestral secret recipe and unique “three-dimensional acupoint therapy” to remove pain for countless patients. It is a century old time-honored plaster specially for neck, shoulder, waist and leg diseases. In recent years, based on the traditional recipe of “baibukang”, all scientific researchers have successfully developed a new generation of high-tech products “baibukang” series products by combining traditional technology with modern science and technology. The product overcomes the shortcomings of lead poison and easy pollution in the ancient plaster, makes the affected area heat quickly, opens the pores of the body surface, and makes the drug penetrate directly and quickly to the lesion. “Baibukang” people take “traditional Chinese medicine, specialization and branding” as the strategic direction, strictly adhere to the ancestral motto of “heart touching, disease discarding, and good fortune accumulating”. They seriously abide by the concept of “only by reason can we pursue excellence, only by Seiko can we have good quality, and only by practice can we win love”. On the basis of strictly following the ancestral secret system, they meticulously select and process materials according to the requirements of modern mass production, realizing the traditional secret system The perfect integration of Fang and modern technology has developed into an independent production base with GMP certification, integrating production, R & D and distribution.